Can I Have Backyard Chickens In Midland, Texas?

By |2019-07-07T22:27:45-05:00May 13th, 2019|Around the House, Buyers, Home Buying, Midland Texas, Tips for Fall, Tips for Spring, Tips for Winter|

Raising backyard chickens is becoming a common hobby across the nation. It's not uncommon in several Texas cities including Midland. Still, just because some people raise backyard chickens does not mean it is without regulations. Midland has its local ordinance on keeping chickens uploaded to Municode. All of the rules are listed in the ordinances [...]

How To Affordably Spruce Up A Bathroom Before Listing Your Midland Home

By |2019-07-07T14:05:41-05:00May 5th, 2019|Around the House, Home Selling, Midland Texas, Sellers|

Let's face it, your Midland home for sale is most likely going to sell quickly, even without an expensive bathroom remodel. The market needs more homes. If you have extra money to spend on a major facelift, manufactured veneer siding on the outside of your home or a new garage door is more likely to [...]

What Are The Price Ranges For Home Siding Options For My Midland Home Upgrade?

By |2019-06-25T11:21:26-05:00April 30th, 2019|Around the House, Home Selling, Luxury, Midland Texas, Sellers, Shopping, Tips for Fall, Tips for Spring, Tips for Winter, Tips, Life Hacks & How-to|

If you're considering new siding and you take to a search engine to look for the price comparison's you'll notice you get swamped with companies selling particular types of siding options. It can get frustrating because all you want to do is figure out what type of siding is in your price range, right? You're [...]

Midland and Odessa Have A New Median Multiple, Homes Considered Affordable In Growing Market

By |2019-04-21T08:34:45-05:00April 15th, 2019|Buyers, Home Buying, Home Selling, Midland 1st Choice, Midland Texas, Midland Texas Christmas, Odessa, Oil and Gas Industry, Real Estate Market Update, Sellers|

An online housing area study shows Midland and Odessa both have a new median multiple of 2.7 years. But what does that mean? The median multiple is considered the number of years it would take the median income in a real estate market to pay off the median home price. So, in Odessa and Midland [...]

Midland, Texas Among Top Hottest Metros For Real Estate

By |2019-04-21T08:16:21-05:00April 12th, 2019|Midland 1st Choice, Midland Texas, Odessa, Oil and Gas Industry, Permian Basin Life, Real Estate, Real Estate Market Update, Sellers|

Spring generally boosts the real estate market. Yet, the overall housing market has shown some signs of slowing last month. According to the VeroFORECAST™ for the first quarter of 2019, the overall trend just continues the slowing that appeared in the previous quarter. The good news for Midland though is that we aren't among the [...]

“How Can I Use The HUD Dollar Home Program?”

By |2019-05-13T20:22:50-05:00April 6th, 2019|Buyers, Financing, Home Buying, Midland Texas, Mortgages, Moving|

The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, also known as, "HUD," sponsors many programs. You might have heard of the HUD Dollar Home Program. Many people ask how they can use the HUD Dollar Home Program. Some people wrongfully believe it means that they can purchase a long-forclosed home for one dollar. That's [...]

Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Promotes Earth-Kind® Landscaping Principles

By |2019-03-17T19:44:20-05:00March 27th, 2019|Design, Home Buying, Landscaping, Midland Texas, Pets, Tips for Spring, Tips, Life Hacks & How-to|

Texas A&M Agrilife Extension promotes the use of Earth-Kind® landscaping principles in order to get low maintenance lawns that are better for conservation. These principles can reduce the amount of fertilizer, pesticides and water that you use on your property for landscaping purposes. The following principles are used in Earth-Kind® landscaping. Mulch Texas A&M Agrilife [...]

Making Whimsical Gardens, Butterfly Gardens On Your Midland, Texas Property

By |2019-03-17T16:39:09-05:00March 21st, 2019|Creative, Design, Landscaping, Midland Texas, Things to Do|

Who wouldn’t love to have a beautiful garden behind or beside their home? Not only is a garden a place of tranquility and peace, it is a place of beauty that appeals to many admirers, including those looking for a new home. A well-established flower garden that requires minimal care would rarely be anything but [...]

Wall Street Journal: Even A Barber Can Make $180,000 In The Permian Basin

By |2019-03-16T23:18:24-05:00March 17th, 2019|Latest News, Midland Texas, Real Estate, Sellers, Uncategorized|

The Wall Street Journal just featured the Permian Basin as one of America’s hottest labor markets. This oil boom we are experiencing is like nothing seen before. Shale drilling/crude production has made the Permian Basin, including Odessa and Midland the nation's hottest oilfield, the Journal reported. Workers are flooding in and this has created opportunities [...]

Commemorative Air Force Museum in Midland

By |2019-03-17T12:25:31-05:00March 9th, 2019|Midland Texas, Neighborhoods, Permian Basin Life, Things to Do|

The Commemorative Air Force Museum in Midland is operated by the High Sky Wing volunteers. The High Sky Wing volunteers oversee its authentic World War II antique aircraft. The Midland Commemorative Air Force Museum focuses attention on the history of the Midland Army Airfield, a strong source of local pride. Midland Army Airfield The Midland [...]

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