Moving to Midland? Check Out Our Favorite Sights!

By |2020-08-17T10:52:57-05:00July 27th, 2020|Buyers, Local Businesses, Midland Texas, Things to Do|

If you’re like many people, you’re thinking about a move to Midland, Texas – and that means you’ll need to update your “Must-See” list. Check out these fun things to do, great places to visit, and wonderful destinations that people come from all over the state to see. Moving to Midland? Check Out Our Favorite [...]

5 Best Museums in Midland

By |2020-06-26T15:43:35-05:00July 5th, 2020|Buyers, Local Businesses, Midland Texas, Things to Do, Tips, Life Hacks & How-to|

When you’re buying a home for sale in Midland, you’ll be happy to know that we have some of the state’s best – and most educational – museums right here in town. Check out this list of the five best museums in Midland to plan out your future weekends. 5 Best Museums in Midland If [...]

Midland, TX Relocation Guide

By |2020-06-26T14:57:41-05:00June 26th, 2020|Buyers, Local Businesses, Midland Texas, Tips, Life Hacks & How-to|

If you’re buying a home for sale here, whether you’re new to the area or you’re already living in the area, it’s a good idea to go through a Midland, TX relocation guide for tips, important numbers and local facts. Check out the information we’ve compiled in our Midland, TX relocation guide to make sure [...]

Midland’s Connection to the Entertainment World

By |2020-05-29T16:35:31-05:00April 3rd, 2020|Midland Texas|

Sure, most Midland residents are aware of the city’s connection to the world of national politics thanks to the Bush family. But the two former presidents and first ladies aren’t the only well-known folks with a Midland history. When friends ask about your new neighborhood, you can mention these entertainers who at one time or [...]

Cement Fiber Beadboard Is The Perfect Solution For Porch Ceilings In Midland

By |2019-06-15T12:00:12-05:00June 18th, 2019|Around the House, Buyers, Design, Home Buying, Home Selling, Luxury, Midland Texas, Permian Basin Life, Sellers, Staging, Tips, Life Hacks & How-to|

Midland can get warm and the humidity can fluctuate. Vinyl beadboard might be perfect for consistently dry, temperate regions, but there is a multitude of places where fiber cement beadboard is the single best option for replacing an old, worn porch ceiling. Fiber cement beadboard is a new building material that looks just like gorgeous [...]

Is Bamboo Really A Green Building Material?

By |2019-06-13T19:04:00-05:00June 14th, 2019|Around the House, Buyers, Design, Home Buying, Home Selling, Midland Texas, Sellers, Tips, Life Hacks & How-to|

Bamboo is considered a green building material, but some environmentalists have questioned how green it really is. It seems to fit the definition of a sustainable material. It doesn't even require re-planting. Once matured enough to use as a building material, bamboo can replace itself in just three years. Still, some say it's not nearly [...]

Thinking Of Selling? The Market Needs More Starter Homes!

By |2019-06-06T21:10:28-05:00June 6th, 2019|Midland 1st Choice, Midland Texas, Moving, Real Estate, Real Estate Market Update, Sellers, Uncategorized|

Millennials are now the largest group of homebuyers and around 45 million Americans are going to reach the average first-time home buyer age within the next ten years. This is over 3.1 million more home buyers than in the last decade. All of this is causing a shortage of starter homes already. When you look [...]

Local Roofers See Massive Increase In Business From Last Month’s Hail Storm

By |2019-05-28T10:59:57-05:00May 28th, 2019|Buyers, Midland Texas, Uncategorized|

Last month's hail storm caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damages, according to a Reporter-Telegram article, and local roofers have been absolutely overwhelmed with work. Raintree Roofing told the paper that they normally complete two roofs a month. But they are busier than they've been in ten years thanks to the storm. The company [...]

Midland International’s Improvements

By |2019-05-23T22:25:58-05:00May 24th, 2019|Latest News, Local Businesses, Midland Texas, Uncategorized|

Midland International's improvements to the waiting area are complete. It was a $3M checkpoint project funded by grants. It should make waiting for your trip less of a drag. It's expected to help with backups of passengers. See, sometimes it was so backed up that the security checkpoint lines were backed up all the way [...]

Our Thoughts Go Out To Midland County Deputy Who Amazingly Survived Train Crash

By |2019-05-22T21:50:11-05:00May 22nd, 2019|Midland Texas|

Midland earned national media attention and social media attention worldwide this week after a deputy with the Midland County Sheriff’s Office was in a collision with a train. The deputy was trying to respond to an emergency call of an infant that was having breathing issues. On Tuesday, two emergency vehicles, both responding to the [...]

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