Maintaining the Drains in Your Home

By |2019-10-16T10:36:15-05:00September 11th, 2019|Home Buying, Latest News, Local Businesses, Mortgages, Uncategorized|

Few people think about drains until there is a problem, but well-working and maintained drains such as your sink, washer, toilet and shower drains can save you a ton of time, effort and money. Consider how old your drains are and if they are metal or plastic. This could potentially affect their projected duration and [...]

Midland International’s Improvements

By |2019-05-23T22:25:58-05:00May 24th, 2019|Latest News, Local Businesses, Midland Texas, Uncategorized|

Midland International's improvements to the waiting area are complete. It was a $3M checkpoint project funded by grants. It should make waiting for your trip less of a drag. It's expected to help with backups of passengers. See, sometimes it was so backed up that the security checkpoint lines were backed up all the way [...]

Relocating From Chicago To Midland Might Be Your Best Move Yet

By |2019-04-21T09:24:20-05:00April 21st, 2019|Buyers, Home Buying, Latest News, Midland Texas Christmas, Moving, Moving & Packing, Odessa, Permian Basin Life, Real Estate, Real Estate Market Update|

People are flooding to Midland and Odessa as their economies are reaping the benefits from the oil boom. As Chicago loses residents, the Permian Basin is gaining them. Both Texas cities were among the fastest growing metros last year according to Census data recently released. More people are moving into the Permian Basin than are [...]

Wall Street Journal: Even A Barber Can Make $180,000 In The Permian Basin

By |2019-03-16T23:18:24-05:00March 17th, 2019|Latest News, Midland Texas, Real Estate, Sellers, Uncategorized|

The Wall Street Journal just featured the Permian Basin as one of America’s hottest labor markets. This oil boom we are experiencing is like nothing seen before. Shale drilling/crude production has made the Permian Basin, including Odessa and Midland the nation's hottest oilfield, the Journal reported. Workers are flooding in and this has created opportunities [...]

Texas Homeowners: New Bill Would Help More Recover Property Value Loss From Utility Towers

By |2019-03-16T22:01:42-05:00March 16th, 2019|Home Security, Home Selling, Home Utilities, Latest News, Real Estate|

This week, the Houston Chronicle reported on two proposed bills in Texas right now that could offer protection to homeowners from property value loss after the installation of nearby electric transmission towers. State Senator Larry Taylor introduced a bill that would force utility companies to notify all nearby homeowners before making upgrades to towers. It [...]

What Does A Good Seller’s Agent Do?

By |2019-01-16T20:38:59-06:00January 17th, 2019|Home Selling, Latest News, Midland Texas, Sellers, The Underwood Group, Things to Do|

The Underwood Group prides itself on doing right by every customer we serve. When in the role of the seller's agent, we will dutifully perform many services, because they are important. We will sit down with you and show you our proven Marketing Plan. We will explain how our Marketing Plan will help you sell [...]

Midland Recently Ranked As’s Top Market

By |2019-01-16T20:25:46-06:00January 7th, 2019|Latest News, Midland Texas, Sellers| ranked Midland, Texas in its top Five markets list in both November and December. Midland was the top market in the whole United States for all of November. For December, it had slipped to the number two spot, but was still outranking almost every other real estate market in the entire country! Though the [...]

City Hall’s Drive-Through Bill Pay Window Closed Today

By |2018-12-17T11:11:18-06:00December 20th, 2018|Latest News, Midland Texas|

We just wanted to give you a heads up, in case you have a medical need that limits how much you can walk or if you have children with you that you don't want to unbuckle: The Midland City Hall drive-through bill pay window will close temporarily today. The closure is just temporary. It's only [...]

Carver Street Bridge Ribbon Cutting Scheduled For Tuesday At 11 AM

By |2018-12-17T10:41:39-06:00December 17th, 2018|Latest News, Midland Texas|

The City of Midland's Carver Street Bridge ribbon cutting ceremony is less than one day away! Tuesday at 11 in the morning, the City Council, the Midland Development Corporation, and community members will meet at the Carver Street Bridge to formally open the new bridge! This bridge is the fix for a low-water crossing that was there [...]

Midland Health & Senior Services Offers Vaccines

By |2025-01-07T03:34:41-06:00December 16th, 2018|Latest News, Midland Texas, Schools, Uncategorized|

The Midland Health & Senior Services offers vaccines on a walk-in basis. There are no appointments needed. To find out if you're eligible for the vaccine clinic, check out this webpage. Vaccine Clinic Hours Monday-Thursday | 8:00 am-3:30 pm Friday | 8:00 am-12:00 pm Exemptions from Immunization Compliance While vaccines are recommended for most people, exclusions [...]

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